
Gamespy previews Contact

Gamespy is running a preview of the game Contact, the collaborative effort of Grasshopper Manufacturer (Killer 7) and Marvelous Interactive (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town), adapted for localization by Atlus. One of the upcoming WiFi-compatible games eliciting the most interest, and for good reason, Contact tells the tale of an extra-terrestrial professor who crashes to Earth and meets a boy named Charlie, whom he enlists to aid him in repairing his ship. By encountering others in his travels and befriending them, Charlie then brings them into this world and can enlist their aid to accomplish said goals.

The preview is a good piece, chock full of information on the game's interesting WiFi implementation and other goodies. In connecting with friends, your character becomes a NPC in their game, complete with your own scripted dialogue and look. The game is currently scheduled for a July release in America.