
Targus Desktop Security Lock for iPod

With so many people carrying around expensive iPods in their pockets or storing them in their desks, it's little wonder that an industry has sprung up around protecting those valuable little players from theft: even clothing designers like Thomas Pink are trying to get inon the action. And now yet another solution has been announced -- this one from accessories manufacturer Targus -- that promises to keep your precious 'Pod locked down to any stationary object by gripping the dock connector with a combination lock, and not releasing it until you enter the code or someone saws through the galvanized steel cable. "Coming soon" for $30 according to Targus' website, the "Desktop Security Lock for iPod," (no idea why they didn't shorten it to "the iLock") is probably a decent solution for travelers or those whose co-workers have sticky fingers; for round-the-clock peace-of-mind, however, you still can't beat the go-anywhere PodLocker, which always keeps your DAP on your person and forces muggers to rip through your clothes if they want to make off with it.

[Via The Gadget Blog]