
Bungie: "We get a lot of death threats in this job"

zipped lips

Bungie's Frank O'Connor recently sat down with MTV to talk secrets, or rather, the art of keeping secrets. As Halo 3's content manager, O'Connor is constantly being prodded for information. Whether it's the guy working the Starbucks register or his wife, O'Connor fields questions like the pro he is: "What's a 'Halo?'"

But not all Bungie employees are as adept at keeping secrets as O'Connor. One of the game's "biggest ticket items" was divulged to a "very, very, very attractive woman" during a recent interview. The Bungie rep was apparently "confused by her attractiveness" -- lucky for him, she agreed to remove the detail from her article. But it's not just sultry reporters that the Bungie staff must remain wary of. The team has also dealt with imposters posing as press and frequent death threats. But here again, O'Connor displays his cool: "The first couple of times you see it you're like, 'Wow!' The next few times you see it you're like, 'Whatever.'"