Girl's missing iPod case headed for Judge Judy?
It's probably a bit late to call this one "getting out of hand," but, well, it is. After starting out with a rather frivolous lawsuit in the first place, and then moving on to greater heights when Shannon Derrik's mom turned down a free iPod nano delivered to their door, the debacle looks to be headed to the television via the Judge Judy show. The families had formerly turned down an offer to appear on the Judge Mathis show, but now it looks like the the promise of a one-day showdown and the lack of attorneys on Judge Judy was just too good to ignore, since they've both tentatively agreed to appear on the show. "I think this way it'll be more fair. It'll just be me against him," said Shannon's mom, Melanie McCarthy. "If we go on the show, at least it'll be over within one day and we can go on with our lives." Apparently the DuPage County judge that is currently trying the case was about to consider a request to dismiss the small claims case (which is going after $355, plus court costs), but we suppose that just wouldn't involve enough public humiliation to satisfy all parties involved.
[Thanks, Hank S.]