
1up prepping Haloverload

1UP is going to be offering three full weeks of Halo 3 updates with video, podcasts, pictures, finger puppets, and posts. Are we jealous? Only a tiny bit. Are we envious? Not of all the work they'll be doing. Even they're calling it a "megafeature." After they're done, you're either going to want to storm the Bungie offices, kick the doors in, and demand your own copy of the game, or else you'll want to strangle someone at 1up because you're green with envy.

We'll give you a preview of the coverage here:

Week one - YAY! We played Halo 3! (post)
Week two - Hey, did we mention we played Halo 3? (podcast)
Week three - Guess what, we played Riiiiiiiidge Ra ... er, we mean Halo 3!!! (video)

Efforts are underway by 1UP to have November named "National Halo 3 Month," more as it develops.