
Homebrew RTS hits DS

Homebrew RTS

For those of you into the homebrew scene - and don't think we haven't seen you mulling about in those suspicious trenchcoats - here's an intriguing little RTS that an armchair dictator developed as a proof-of-concept. It clearly has a long way to go before competing with the likes of StarCraft, but at least it has the control method down. By tapping on an unsuspecting worker unit or dragging a box around a group of them, you can order them to perform menial and unfulfilling tasks that serve no reason other than to expand your empire of evil and oppression. If anything, this should get you excited for the forthcoming Age of Empires DS game.

If, however, you don't consider yourself a slave to capitalism (and good for you, by the way), it should get you excited about all the possibilities that can be found in the world of homebrew. This game isn't the only one that shows just how well the DS can handle real-time strategy games and first-person shooters, games that were mostly constricted to the PC until now. Now if only someone would conjure up a decent online instant messenger...

[Thanks xfiles fan]