
Live SportWrap demo at MacWorld

The live demo of XtremeMac's SportWrap iPod armband stopped a lot of guys in their tracks at MacWorld. This model, jogging on a treadmill at a busy intersection of the Expo hall, had quite a crowd around her when I walked by. The only trouble was that she couldn't hear visitors' questions about the product because she really was listening to her iPod. The demo put me in mind of girl models at car shows in Vegas. It's a tried and true advertising practice that seems to work just as well here as anywhere else--particularly given the ratio of men to women here at MacWorld. (You can guess which way that plays.)

But getting back to the SportWrap -- it sells for $29.95 and looks like a solid case for the sports-minded. It's got a neoprene body, an adjustable velcro strap to fit your upper arm or forearm, and a moisture barrier to keep your iPod dry during a hard workout. It's compatible with 30GB and 60GB video iPods, as well as older generation iPods. XtremeMac also makes a SportWrap for the iPod nano.