
Interview with TiVo's E. Stephen Mack - Thomas Hawk


While we lunch on leftovers in front of our HD sets, Thomas Hawk gets to have lunch with E. Stephen Mack, the Director of Service Operations for TiVo. Hey, it's fair: Thomas had the moxie to call TiVo out on their apparent half-hearted attempt at corporate blogging. It's all good now since the two wise men have met over munchies in San Fran.

Among the interesting tidbits of info: Stephen was one of the first 70 or so TiVo employees, so we figure he's been with the company for a good six or seven years; it started in 1999 if we recall correctly. The new standalone TiVo Series 3 unit, you know the high-def DVR, appears to be undergoing some pre-public beta testing, but no word on a release yet. Here's hoping it's within the next six months as HD adoption is really hitting its stride. No word on additional CableCARD support details, but some exciting info on plug-in development to extend the TiVo for RSS or other web-based applets. Overall, this was a great read, but since we don't get out much, how about a little more deets on the menu items next time, 'kay?