
Weekly Webcomic Wrapup: June 11 - 17, 2006 [update 1]

The reader submissions this weeks were overwhelming -- and here I thought this was just a silly little time-waster to amuse 4 or 5 people (little did I know that there at least 8, if not 10, people out there who enjoyed this).

I don't want to clutter up the poll with all the choices, so I've added a second list of "honorable mentions," so, at the very least, the webcomics get their deserved exposure. We also, by popular demand, added a none of the above choice -- let's see how that pans out. Here are our picks for best game-related webcomics this week -- be sure to vote for your favorite!

[update 1: for some reason, the third linked article is redirecting to the main page. Just note that the comic in question debuted on June 16 under the title "Treachery Manifest." Please vote based on comic strip, not the popularity of the comic as a whole.]

Here are a few other comics we saw this week that made us all warm and fuzzy inside: