
Joystiq hands-on: Lost Planet multiplayer (Xbox 360)

The following is a compilation of the best scenes we either experienced or watched during our time with Lost Planet's multiplayer game. Other than a few minor drops in framerate, we were very impressed with the 8-player battle. As our experience was only system link, it'll be interesting to see how the game fares over Xbox Live.

We start as the blue team in the bottom of an icy valley. As we move uphill, the red team ambushes, lobbing a half dozen grenades toward our group. We disband, and I climb left up a small hill behind the remains of a brick building. As one foe pursue me, I throw a gum grenade onto an adjacent wall. I run away and they pass the remains just as the bomb goes off, knocked down both the brick wall and my assailant.

Practicing with my grappling hook, I scale to the top of a nearby building and jump across the rooftops. Eventually I come upon a sniper rifle. Climbing up an adjacent lookout tower, I sight a lonely gunner from across the map. Locking him in my sights, I fire one shot into his stomach. He dashes left behind a wall, but I can still make out his cowering, tranlucent figure. I fire two shots that don't hurt him but knock down his cover, he continues left and jumps down into a hole. As his head finds its way into my cross hairs, an ill-timed framerate hiccup saved his life. I quickly realize the lag was caused by the giant mech who swiftly blows me away.

I respawn after a few seconds and try to track down my former possessions. Heading right, I stop to dig out a grenade launcher out of the snow. I find and take vengeance upon upon my recent killer. He jumps out of the mech and I take his place, not realizing the folly in my hasty decision. Upon entry, the screen flashes "danger" and I learn that the glorified auto bot has very little health remaining. A grenade lands at my feet as the game lets me know that the blue team has won the round. My last image is of my soldier engulfed in explosions.

See Also:
Joystiq hands-on: Lost Planet (single player)