
Wii FAQ with 44 answers

BFF, Engadget, blasted out a 44-point FAQ about the Wii. If you're still undecided on a Wii buy, the answers may help make a choice. Or if you have a Wii and run into trouble -- like it asks for a non-existent startup disc -- the FAQ offers tips. (Or in that startup case, it gives a shoulder to cry on.)

Not all of our questions were answered. (How many angels could fit on a Wii? Does it stay crunchy in milk? If the Wii were a tree, what kind would it be?) But Engadget pulls some tech-fu, trying to pair a controller with a computer as a Bluetooth device (result: recognized but not paired) and connect USB keyboards (result: not recognized). The full FAQ includes even more geeky goodness.

See also: FAQ: Answers to your PlayStation 3 questions