
Lampooning Sony's fake PSP site

In this day and age when you screw up you pay for it online in the form of bad press, blog posts, hate mail, never-ending commentary (read: this post), a tarnished image and sometimes even replica sites calling you out when applicable. All I Want For Xmas Is a PS3 does just that making fun of the old marketers pretending to be puberty plagued consumers that ran the fake and now infamous PSP blog that is no more. We're confident others will quickly follow suit ... Yep. This just in: Both the 360 and Wii spoof sites are live.

But unfortunately for Sony and Zipatoni, their sheepish feeling and current depreciated brands are sure to outlast said fleeting sites. And yes, there is such a thing as bad publicity. Ask Michael Jackson. Now let's leave this misadventure behind and hope the companies in question focus on what they do (or don't do) best in their newly discovered transparent world.

[Thanks, AoE; Image credit]