
Everybody just breathe...

What a whirlwind, huh? The past few days the words iPhone have been on the lips of people I'd never imagined would ever glance at an Apple product. If you're sick of hearing about it, I have advice: just breathe. Collect yourself, and brace for more of the same. Why? Because Apple Inc. is betting the farm, quite literally, on this product. AppleTV be darned, the iPhone, exactly as Steve described, is Apple's next great revolution of the highest order. And it's their transition into a new sort of company.

That being said, TUAW isn't going to transition to "The Unofficial iPhone Blog" or anything. Later today we've got a few special treats for you, so stay tuned. Our bloggers are hard at work putting all this together, so if posting seems a little light today, just remember the core Apple fandom is running on Pacific time for the next 48 hours!