
Shadowbane developers announce new project

When Wolfpack Studios was shut down by UbiSoft last May, they left behind a legacy that included semi-popular MMORPG Shadowbane. So color us not surprised that Stray Bullet Games, which includes many members of the disbanded Wolfpack team, has announced that their first project will be -- are you ready for this? -- an MMORPG that looks a lot like Shadowbane. Shock and awe.

While a name has yet to be given to this new title, which is based upon an original intellectual property, the pictured concept art and the announcement itself all seem to point to a heavy Shadowbane influence. Player versus player combat looks to be the focus once again as "characters, guilds, and global factions will engage in meaningful, exciting, and fun mass combat."

Stray Bullet Games also announced they will also be making use of middleware to get the job done, as opposed to creating their own game engine from scratch. I think we speak for all who remember Shadowbane's years languishing in development hell when we say, "Godspeed."