
The naked Night Elf (who does more than dancing for gold)

Our old friend the Naked Troll has a new fellow nudist (or a rival, I guess, depending on whether you play PVE or PVP). AntiTweak is a Night Elf Druid who's leveling her way up completely naked ("without weapons or armor," she says), and livejournalling the whole thing.

First, I'll get the formalities out of the way, and say it's an accomplishment for both of them to do it, and that both are taking on (and succeeding at) pretty impressive feats. They're great, good for them, and so on.

But more importantly, let's decide: which is harder? A Druid definitely seems harder to level naked than a Hunter (the class Juffowup was leveling with), but then again, Druids can heal and Hunters can't. But Juffowup definitely used weapons, and AntiTweak isn't using any. But AntiTweak seems like she's getting a lot of help from her boyfriend and guildies, and I think Juffowup mostly played with only his pet. And let's not forget, Juffowup plays Horde, and Alliance is EZ mode...

Whoops, did I say that last one out loud?

AntiTweak's latest debate is whether potions count as "armor and weapons" or not. I say no, but then again some PVP duelers consider potions cheating, while other PVPers drink pots in battlegrounds like their life depends on it. Whatever she decides, grats again to AntiTweak. I'm kind of glad she's doing it, just so I don't have to.