
Bungie Recommends to highlight H3 user content

Featured in 1UP's most recent article of their three weeks of Halo 3 coverage is news from Bungie about a new way to highlight the best of the best user created content in Halo 3. Bungie Recommends will be that community watering hole where players can go to see what Bungie thinks is the bestest, most unique and overall coolest saved films, gametypes and screenshots circulating the community. This Bungie Recommends feature will be available within' Halo 3's in-game menus and should allow for a quick glimpse into the awesomeness that can be achieved with the Forge and a bit of creativity.

So, now that we've been inspired, it's time to go brainstorm about new custom Halo 3 gametypes so we can get our content featured on Bungie Recommends and earn instant Halo 3 street cred. Look out world, here we come!