
Waxed Master Chief is real and in Vegas

Remember when we told you about a picture that was taken of a sculpt-in-progress Master Chief at Madame Tussauds in London? Well friends, it turns out that Master Chief has been immortalized in waxy goodness as Madame Tussauds officially revealed the seven foot sculpture at their Las Vegas studio.

Waxy Master Chief will be on display in Las Vegas along with other Halo 3 goodies for the foreseeable future and will be the host of the Vegas Halo 3 launch party later this month. You should also know that this 275 pound sculpture took over 1,000 pounds of clay to put together and over 892 man-hours to create. Yes sir, Chief is a modern sculpting marvel that will make one awesome addition to Madame Tussauds' collection ... but he really needs to make new friends, because Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy sort of cramps his style.

[Thanks, Jonah Falcon]