
TUAW Spring Shuffle Giveaway Day Four: Green

tuaw spring shuffle giveaway

Welcome back to another round of TUAW's Spring Shuffle Giveaway. Today on the menu: green. Or as some of us call it, 008000. While Kermit may complain, these shuffles don't appear so unhappy with their hue. At least green is a spring color, right?

Anyway, if you don't know the drill, you enter our little giveaway by leaving exactly one comment. That's one comment per person. So far they've been excellent. Really, the elves are having fun compiling the prose into a handy guide to the internet. The contest is limited to the 50 states, and the green shuffle entry period lasts all day today, May 17 (so from 12:01am to 11:59pm Eastern). So fire up your internets and leave us a message. As always, full rules after the jump. This contest is for a green iPod shuffle, in case you forgot.