
Rumor: E3 to bring Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy release dates, Mario Kart Wii to be unveiled

According to Jeux-France (who cite rumors that "appear credible"), Nintendo is planning to drop several bombs at the upcoming min-E3 in mid-July. Release dates for Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxy will be divulged, and the company will also unveil the next Mario Kart game for Wii. Also on the mystery roster is a vague hardware-related announcement that Jeux-France describes as a "large revelation". Could it be the Nintendo Revolution headset we've been waiting for?!

Release dates for Smash Bros. and Mario Galaxy are a no-brainer, and even our grandmother could tell you that Nintendo is working on another Mario Kart game. But with the company's other major franchises already dominating the scene, is it too early to show off another big gun?

[Via Nintendo Wii Fanboy]