
Breaking News: Wrath of the Lich King confirmed

The WoW Insider staff were standing in the lobby of the Anaheim Convention Center, and saw Paul Della Bitta, Senior CM walking up to the Press Badge pickup booths: On his very back is the confirmation we've all been waiting for, and two hours before the official announcement! Yes indeed, in the very near future we will be heading to Northrend, playing what they term in the schedule of events as "World of Warcraft Expansion II," also known as Wrath of the Lich King.

You heard it here first-- our hunches were right. Now keep an eye out for our continuing coverage. We are hoping to have up to the minute blogging of the Opening Ceremony, but it looks as if the juicy stuff is coming even before 11 am. The revised schedule of events I was handed has a concept sketch Tuskarr hunter in the lower right hand corner. Does this mean new playable races? We will let you know as soon as we have more info to bring you!