
Japanese research group developing next-next-gen optical Internet

Word that Brett Favre broke the NFL's touchdown pass record shot around the world pretty fast today, but if Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology has anything to do with it, you'll be hearing about such things even faster in 2015, when the group and several private companies intend to launch a next-generation optical network with peak data-transfer speeds of 10 gigabits. Although similar projects are underway in both the US and Europe, the Japanese effort has some heavy-hitters behind it, including NTT, Fujitsu, KDDI, Hitachi, Toshiba, and NEC. The system, which will cost a projected $260M over the next five years, will be able to support 100 billion devices but still maintain those gaudy transfer rates, even for mobile users. No word on when the tech will hit the States, sadly, but here's hoping.