
iPhone formatted eBooks by

We were promised many things in the future: flying cars, glass dome enclosed cities, faster than light travel, and electronic books. eBooks are a reality, but they haven't really caught on (mostly because it is tough to compete with the form factor and pleasure that a physical book offers up). is trying to change that by making self publishing easy.

I know what you're thinking, why the heck am I reading about this on TUAW? Besides the fact that I am struggling to write the Great American Novel (heck, I'd settle for the 'Best Selling but Mediocre American Novel), has just announced a new service called 'eBook Optimization.' Self publishing authors will use this service, which costs $25, to create PDF files designed specifically for viewing on the iPhone (and the Sony eBook Reader). You can then sell your eBook via Lulu, so everybody wins!

[via MobileRead]