
More EU migrations

The European free character migrations on some PvP servers continue, since apparently they haven't had quite the intended effect yet. Thundgot says:

Due to population differences between some of the highest and lowest populated PvP realms, the following Free Character Migration will be available November 7th to 13th:

From: Crushridge, Frostmane, Grim Batol, Kazzak, Outland
To: Boulderfist, Daggerspine, Vek'nilash

Please note that the migration may be closed at any time should a destination realm's population rise too high.

This is the same source realms as before, and one of the same destination realms (Boulderfist). It looks like not too many people chose to take advantage of this move last time. So get moving, people!

Oh, and to answer a question that was asked in another thread: Europe will be getting patch 2.3 on November 14th, a week from today (source).