
This Week in HD DVD: the ten edition

This week we've got some rather bad news and other news that's either good or bad depending on how you want to take it. And first up, the bad news. We're sad to report that there's only one new release this week and, as you can see below, it's the movie The Ten. Yawn, yawn, yawn ... Moving right along, we also thought we'd share with you the good / bad news (depending on how you want to take it) that most HD DVD related goods are seeing a discount. In light of the recent pro Blu-ray news as of late, Toshiba has slashed the prices on their HDDVDplayers and discounted HD DVD movie titles. While we don't believe this discounting to be official, it's quite widespread and is happening all over.

Good or bad, that's the latest HD DVD news and this week's new movie release. Enjoy, be happy and eat some deliciously moist cheesecake. Because cheesecake rocks and makes us smile.