
2008: The year of the MMO?

This funny little bestseller list comes to us from Brenden over at Another Here. He takes it as a sign that MMOs are far from dead, but I'll say the same thing a different way: MMOs are more alive than ever. As great a year in gaming that 2007 was, 2008 is going to be that much better, and there is no doubt at all that MMOs are going to play a handy role in all the great gaming we'll see this year.

And which MMOs matter now? Ancient Gaming Noob just saw this list (which we looked at a while ago), and which looks as definitive as any in determining the most-loved MMOs of all time. WoW is number one (duh), but look how high DAoC has come on the list-- does that mean the hype behind WAR is worth it? Planetside is another one that seems higher than it should be, and it seems that if another MMO can tap into that action-in-a-persistent-world feel that Planetside has, it'll do just as well.

Whether 2008 ends up being the year of the MMO or not, it's going to be a good one. Buckle your seatbelts.