
MGS movie producer targets possible writer/director

Film adaptations of video games are fickle mistresses. You don't need us to tell you that most of the ones that make it into theatres are horrid, while the ones with some potential usually get canned before seeing the light of day. Most of us would probably fit the Metal Gear Solid movie into that latter category -- after all, it's been nearly two years since the initial announcement of the film, and details have been sparse at best. That is, until a recent red carpet interview with the film's producer, Michael De Luca, dropped a Metal Gear REX-sized bomb on the entertainment industry.

Okay, we're exaggerating bit -- all he did was state his interest in getting Kurt Wimmer to write and possibly direct the film. Wimmer's primary writing/directing credit is the 2002 quazi-cult classic "Equilibrium", whose 35% aggregate rating on Rotten Tomatoes doesn't exactly fill us with confidence -- unless compared to the works of a particularly infamous game-to-movie adapter, whose 4% career average reminds us that Columbia Pictures could do much, much worse.