
New AoC interview touts the game's selling points

We've already heard from our friend Erling Ellingsen today, but he's got more to say, as he is featured in a CVG interview where he really manages to sum up why you will want Age of Conan. You can tell that he believes what he is saying, as he talks about how close his team has brought the game to their original vision. He expects those that are familiar with MMOs will be at home in the game, but will soon find that things are taken to the next level in AoC.

A couple of other MMOs get a mention by Ellingsen during the interview. He praises Dark Age of Camelot for its innovations in PvP, but says that his game will improve upon what was seen there. He also mentions World of Warcraft, saying quite honestly that he doesn't expect Age of Conan will ever reach WoW's subscription numbers. The goal for his team was to distance themselves from this "social phenomenom" of a game, running with the mature fantasy theme. We are assured that the game will be fully supported after release, with a live update team as well as an expansion team to work on future content. The video also features some nice footage, so check out the full interview at CVG.