
Age of Conan beta delayed until 4 PM EST

[Update: Observant reader Phobic99 has see that the developers have pushed the beta launch back again. This time, we're set for 5:00 PM EST (22.00 GMT). Thanks Phobic99!]

The title says it all. The Age of ConanFilePlanet beta has been pushed back until 4 PM EST (20.00 GMT) for a few more spit shines and polishes before it throws itself into your loving arms.

The reason for the delay stems from the developers wishing to get in that one last hotfix onto closed servers before opening them up to the public. So, if you haven't logged onto Conan yet, we recommend you do so to get your client up to date. Only the game servers are down, the patching servers are not.

If you completely haven't attempted to log in yet, you will be presented with a 300 mb patch, so if you're a rabid Conan fan and want to get into the beta the second the servers go live, it's recommended you try to start the client now to get yourself ready. Especially if you want to hit that level cap for the FilePlanet power levelling contest.

In the mean time, why not go watch some television or something? You know, Law and Order is on at 2:00 PM EST on TNT. That should get your blood thirst up while you're waiting for 4:00 PM EST.