
More iPod touch refurb love at

Update: Sold out, folks -- sorry! We'll keep an eye out for more refurb deals.

Looking to pick up a discounted, refurbished 16GB iPod touch? One-day discount vendor is offering the midrange version of the premium iPod for $290 + $5 shipping, comparing pretty favorably with Apple's refurbished sale price of $329/$349 depending on whether you get the $20 January Software Update bundled in. Judging by the description copy, the woot models don't have the update loaded, but that's still $39 cheaper than Apple's version and $79 less than a new unit, again discounting for the JSU.

Like all Woot deals, this is good for today (Saturday 5/3) only and it's valid while supplies last. Mother's Day giftgiving got you scratching your head? Need another touch as your development unit? Looking for a movie player for long car trips? Might want to pick one up. I've gotten in the habit of watching TV shows on my touch during my NYC subway commute; a 44-minute Lost is just about right for the ride. 16GB would mean less shuffling of episodes... where's that rebate stimulus check again?

Thanks Matthew