
MySims Kingdom: The Home of Princess Butter

In a press release sent out this morning, EA revealed some details of the new MySims sequel, MySims Kingdom. Fascinatingly, Kingdom is designed as more of an adventure than its predecessor, with things like a story and goals other than "build stuff and make friends."

That's still the basic gameplay, but this time you're building (medieval) stuff and making (ye olde) friends at the behest of King Roland (and his daughter, the amusingly-named Princess Butter), who charges you with improving his kingdom. As you build and achieve goals, you'll unlock new building capabilities including bridge-building (or at least bridge repair). These will allow you both to increase the size of your kingdom and to expand into other kingdoms, each with their own unique inhabitants.

Surprisingly, given the setting, you'll also be able to create electrical devices. We assume you will then be run out of town by a frightened mob.
