
VC Monday Madness video wrap-up 6/2/08

Only one Virtual Console release this week, folks. And, sad to say, it's not the best title around. To get a taste of the game in action, hit play on the video above. If you're more into reading than watching a video, head past the break.

Ninja Combat (NEOGEO, 1 - 2 players, 900 Wii Points)
Wii Fanboy says: do not download

On the surface, Ninja Combat very much looked like a good time. But, upon picking up the controller and diving into the title, I found it was nothing more than a hollow button-masher, void of challenge and any kind of enjoyment. Well, there is some enjoyment to be had, in the ridiculous story and dialog that fill the game. Skip this one, folks.

Each week, we here at Wii Fanboy like to check out the latest Virtual Console releases in our VC Monday Madness feature, for you, in the hopes that you can make the most sound decision you can regarding purchasing retro titles on the Wii. If you're looking for other Virtual Console goodies, check out Virtually Overlooked and The VC Advantage.