
Tabula blogger travels to NCsoft Europe

Tabula Blogger recently got to take a trip to NCsoft Europe headquarters and meet the fine folks who make up the Tabula Rasa Europe team. It sounds like things went exceedingly well, as Tabula Blogger had all good things to say about their experience. You can read all the crazy exploits of the trip on this page and as an added bonus get to see some pretty cool sketch art. It also sounds like the Tabula Rasa Europe team has some very nice digs with a working space that includes a big TV, PS3 and some Rock Band action. What more could any geek ask for?

We always love to see players in the community having these kinds of experiences with the people responsible for the live support and development of an MMO. It really helps keep the entire community invigorated and happy, which is a topic oft discussed here at Massively. So in other words: keep up the good work NCsoft Europe!