
PS3 Fanboy hands-on: Killzone 2

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What can be said about Killzone 2? I'm not sure whether people are looking forward to it for its gameplay, or because it's a graphical powerhouse. If the latter, then people are going to be pleased -- this game is the most graphically impressive I have seen. Sure, the levels we've seen so far are very grey, with a hint of green, but this is permeated by the bright orange of the Helghasts' eyes and those glorious, glorious explosions.

What impressed me the most was the attention to detail in the animation and modelling throughout Killzone 2. It's completely cosmetic, but this is the first game where I felt that the gun pointing into the screen belonged to me. That the arm swinging to-and-fro as I run across the battlefield was an extension of my own. When I reload, the animation is so detailed and the attention to weight almost allows you feel how heavy your gun is. All of this, coupled with the graphic style and quality makes Killzone 2 incredibly atmospheric and immersive. Does this add to the gameplay? Of course not. Does it add to the game? Substantially.


It never stops, either. The look, style and feel of the game remains at a consistant quality throughout the level I played. Everything you imagine would be destructible is so and combat is visceral, thanks to a heavy amount of gore and superb animation and sound work. After being ambushed by Helghast, shooting me across a chasm from a delapidated building, I took to a nearby turret and set to work. The building crumbled and broke as I emptied the turret's ammunition into it, until I hit on some hidden explosives. The building erupted into flames; pillars fell and windows shattered and plaster broke away from the walls.

So, Killzone 2 looks incredible and, thanks to that, has some real "oh, wow!" moments. But how long until we become accustomed to the game's good looks? Hopefully a long time, because once you take that away you're left with, to be frank, a fairly run-of-the-mill FPS. Not a bad one; the gameplay's solid, but there's nothing that I've seen to make this stand apart. Not yet, at least. Don't be put off, though. Haze, this is not.

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The AI is almost as impressive as the visuals, with enemies working together to move around you to get the best angle of offense. The Helghast never just stand there, taking your bullets (Chimera, I'm looking at you). They're always looking for cover or a way to get behind you. Some SIXAXIS controls also permeate the game. These are probably the best implementation of the SIXAXIS I've seen, allowing you to literally turn valves in a way that really adds to the immersion. Thankfully I was promised that there'd be more than just valves to turn, throughout the full game.

Combat is fine. The cover system works well and, thanks to it being buttonless and semi-intelligent, is never fiddly or frustrating. Vehicles work nicely and overall controls are good. Fine, fine, okay, good, nice. Nothing stands out as "amazing". Is it enough that Killzone 2 is phenomenal looking, with solid, if generic, gameplay? I honestly don't know and it will no doubt vary depending on who you ask. All I know is I had some fun playing it. Did it make me want to come back for more? Sure, if only to see those wonderful explosions.