
Thank you NYC!

Well that was nuts! The Engadget NYC reader meetup has come and gone, and it was a blast. Diehard readers braved seriously nasty weather and long lines to get inside, but we still managed to reach capacity at Hiro Ballroom. We're really, truly blown away by the excitement and enthusiasm we saw from the folks that were there, and we hear you loud and clear -- there's more of these in store, with bigger venues and lots more to see / do. We gave away a ton of gear, met some amazing people, and had an absolute blast hanging out with everyone. Thanks so much for coming out guys -- you rule.

And to all the vendors / sponsors / friends that were showing off their stuff, and all the companies who offered giveaways: thank you from the bottom of our mechanical hearts. We couldn't have done it without you!

You can see some Ovi-streamed pics of the event right here and read the lineblog here. If you have pictures you took and want to share, add them to our Flickr pool here, and if you've got video, post a link in the comments below!