
DS Daily: Finding time

This blogger has spent the last few days boring the rest of the staff rigid about the wonders of Professor Layton and the Curious Village. The game has rapidly flown up my list of DS favorites, thanks in no small part to its charming, Miyazaki-esque art style, engaging story, and (of course) wonderful puzzles.

But here's another reason why I love this game: its length. It took me around ten or eleven hours to complete, which is just right. For me, Layton doesn't outstay its welcome, and it also happens to be the perfect fit for my schedule. Of course, now it's over, I'm clamoring for MOAR LAYTON, but I'll just have to be patient.

How about you? Are you the type of gamer who is happy to dedicate seventy or eighty hours to an RPG, or do you prefer games of Layton's size?

See also:2008's Biggest Blips -- Professor Layton and the Curious Village