
HD DVD and Blu-ray releases on March 4th, 2008

Despite HD DVD imminent demise, things are going pretty good. For the third week in a row the Red camp has the hottest title of the week; Into The Wild (IMDB 8.3). But considering this is Paramount's last week, and there is only one remaining exclusive new release left (Atonement 3/18/08), we're getting closer to the end of the road. The biggest title for Blu-ray this week is Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, but the biggest news is Disney's non-release of 101 Dalmatians. Disney did promise to take a classic out of the vault for Blu-ray this year, evidently just not this one. With only 31 titles left on the calendar for HD DVD, it appears the count will end at 435, but only 15 of those titles are from studios you've heard of and only two are HD DVD exclusives from Universal. The rest are Warner titles which will be delayed three weeks after the Blu version, and we'd be willing to bet they won't be hot sellers.

HD DVD 404 vs Blu-ray 461*



* Blu-ray total does not reflect 32 Paramount titles that were previously officially available.