
Dragonblight preview revealed

Earlier today, The Dragonblight has been added to the Wrath of the Lich King official website. For those of you unaware, The Dragonblight is essentially a Dragon graveyard, though there are obviously other aspects of the zone as well.

It seems there are many factions at work in this zone. The Horde and the Alliance, obviously. The Scourge is another obvious one, seeing as it is in Northrend. In addition to that we have the Red and Blue Dragonflights, and the remnants of the Scarlet Crusade, the Scarlet Onslaught. I may be a horrible person for looking forward to faction grinds, but I've wanted Red Dragonflight rep since the World of Warcraft began. We have three Bronze Dragonflight reputation grinds, but zero Red? C'mon!

The official website has some excellent shots of the zone, and a fly-over of the terrain. If you haven't seen it yet, definitely go check it out.

[ Thanks, Minnow! ]