\" to \"\" wherever you have it in your code; this will force the users to reload the JavaScript so they're not running an out-of-date version.If your own site is not powered by Wowhead, but would like it to be, it's as easy as adding \"\" anywhere in your page code. If you do that, all relevant links pointing to Wowhead will get tooltips. Nifty, eh?","editorialPicksList":"","editorialTags":["links","powered-by-wowhead","tooltips","wowhead"],"factualPollId":null,"finalUrl":"","hashtag":"","hasVideoList":false,"hasScribble":false,"hasXraySideRail":false,"hasYahooVideo":false,"hideAllAds":false,"hostedType":"hosted","redirectMetaData":{"originalId":null,"newId":"53c7ce16-f834-3deb-868b-d0d64b38b502"},"isAsideEligible":true,"isAutoblogArticle":false,"isBrandedContent":false,"isCreatorContent":false,"isImmersiveContent":false,"isOriginalContent":true,"isPersonalFinanceArticle":false,"isSeamlessBypass":false,"isShoppable":false,"isSponsoredContent":false,"keywords":"Wowhead, tooltips","modifiedDate":"Fri, 15 Jul 2016 00:39:25 GMT","pageTitle":"Wowhead power updated","presentation":null,"previewLink":null,"providerId":null,"providerBrand":{},"publisher":"Engadget","publishDate":"Wed, 30 Apr 2008 15:00:00 GMT","salientEntities":[],"searchNoIndex":false,"seamlessUrl":"","showEditorialPicksPlaceholder":false,"showPremiumPaywall":false,"isPremiumArticle":false,"spaceId":"1197802876","sponsoredContent":false,"summary":"You've probably noticed that we use Wowhead to embed item, spell, talent, and quest tooltips in articles here, and some of you use the same functionality on your own blogs. Wowhead's codeslinger Skosiris has made a change in the way this is handled, and that change necessitates a small update in the code needed to produce those tooltips. All you have to do is change the line \"\" to \"\" wherever you have it in your code; this will force the users to reload the JavaScript so they're not running an out-of-date version.If your own site is not powered by Wowhead, but would like it to be, it's as easy as adding \"\" anywhere in your page code. If you do that, all relevant links pointing to Wowhead will get tooltips. Nifty, eh?","title":"Wowhead power updated","tpConsent":true,"type":"story","url":"","uuid":"53c7ce16-f834-3deb-868b-d0d64b38b502","videoPosition":"","VUID":"dsnFFBAbeCQtMrlcYxiaZQ"}

Wowhead power updated

You've probably noticed that we use Wowhead to embed item, spell, talent, and quest tooltips in articles here, and some of you use the same functionality on your own blogs. Wowhead's codeslinger Skosiris has made a change in the way this is handled, and that change necessitates a small update in the code needed to produce those tooltips. All you have to do is change the line "<script src=""></script>" to "<script src=""></script>" wherever you have it in your code; this will force the users to reload the JavaScript so they're not running an out-of-date version.

If your own site is not powered by Wowhead, but would like it to be, it's as easy as adding "<script src=""></script>" anywhere in your page code. If you do that, all relevant links pointing to Wowhead will get tooltips. Nifty, eh?