
Paramount launches Blu-ray support site

Now that the Paramount is back onboard the Blu-ray train, it's going above and beyond in its efforts to fuel the format by creating a Blu-ray support website. Insert the joke of your choice about "life support" being more accurate; we still think Blu-ray is coming along fine. Paramount's new website will, naturally, promote the studios releases (complete with links straight to corresponding pages on Amazon), but also adds bits like new player announcements. A big chunk of the page is set aside for a "Coming Soon" Flash player, so expect to see some content poured in there, well, "soon." Given the growing pains Blu-ray is experiencing, we'd choose to remove the non-functional Flash player, but overall we applaud Paramount's effort. And yes, title announcements will buy a lot of forgiveness in our book as well!

[Thanks, Dave C.]