
Age of Conan's system designer explains combat stats

One of the most difficult things about getting up and running in a new MMO world is figuring out what all the stats mean, how they relate to one another, and which ones you should focus on gearing to achieve the greatest return for your character. There's been a distinct lack of clarity with Age of Conan's itemization up to this point, and Funcom System Designer Jayde recently made a post on the official European boards in the hopes of clearing up the confusion.

What's most interesting to us is the way that they've designed their system so that there are separate statistics for PvE and PvP. The goal, according to Jayde, is to provide a reasonable parity between high and low leveled characters so that players of all sorts can compete on the same battlefield. You're still not liable to beat a fully-decked out level 80 when you're fresh out of Tortage, but you'll actually be able to do damage without having all your attacks parried, blocked, or resisted, as happens in many other MMOs. Jayde has promised a more complete guide to Age of Conan's stats in the near future, and we anxiously await seeing what the amateur statisticians make of that.