
New Apple ad touts iPod Touch as 'best portable device for gaming'

At today's Apple event (aptly titled "Let's Rock"), Steve Jobs unveiled a new ad for the revised iPod Touch, essentially showcasing the iPod Touch's (and similarly the iPhone's) gaming capabilities, claiming, "It's the best portable device for playing games." We're wagering at least a few Sony and Nintendo executives are texting each other "lolwut." As noted by Engadget, "gauntlet: THROWN."

Also shown at the Apple event: a new soccer title – Real Soccer 2009 – and Need for Speed Undercover. Check out Engadget for more information from Steve Jobs' presentation. We'll update when the ad is uploaded to the interwebs.

[Update: Apple has launched an updated iPod Touch page on its website, touting the device as "the funnest iPod ever." The page is heavily focused on gaming and has a "watch the ad" link from the gallery section ... which, as of this writing, is officially slammed.]