
Four more Burnout Paradise updates incoming

Checked out recently? You might have noticed that they've completely revamped the site. Not only does it look swish and sexy, but it harbors some interesting information about upcoming Burnout Paradise content. You know, that game which came out in January but which people are still playing today? The game that's had copious amounts of free downloadable expansions and which was the first third party disc-based title to patch in trophies?

Four new expansions are listed on the "coming soon" section of the new Criterion Games website. While at the moment they're simply numbered packs, they will be unveiled, one by one, over the next four fridays, starting on October 31st. The only other information we're given about these packs is that we expect to see them arrive in Spring 2009. So after all this year's great games are played and forgotten, we're convinced we'll still be playing Burnout Paradise well after a year since release.

We'll keep you informed as and when these expansion packs are unveiled.

[Thanks Andrew Gaspar]