
Square Enix announces three downloadable expansions for Final Fantasy XI

Diehard Final Fantasy XI players who've not been beckoned away from Vana'diel by the siren call of World of Warcraft or Warhammer Online will be pleased to know that three "scenario expansions" for Square Enix's MMO were recently announced at VanaFest, a FFXI fan event in Japan. The three add-ons will be downloadable from the PlayOnline Viewer over the course of 2009, each going for "around $10.00."

The expansions won't be adding any new locales to Vana'diel's geography, but will attempt to "deepen the storylines running through pre-existing areas by ushering in all-new plots and intrigues." The three scenarios are titled A Crystalline Prophecy - Ode of Life Bestowing (which will be available next Spring), A Moogle Kupo d'Etat - Evil in Small Doses and A Shantotto Ascension - The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born (which will be available in the months following the first expansion). Brief synopses for the scenarios, which were explained in a recent press release, are available after the break.

From a Square-Enix press release:

A Crystalline Prophecy - Ode of Life Bestowing
One day, a giant crystal appeared in the skies above Jeuno, triggering a series of unexplained happenings across the land. Now, adventurers will set forth to unravel the mysteries of this primordial crystal that holds the secret of Vana’diel’s past.

A Moogle Kupo d’'Etat - – Evil in Small Doses

It all started with an innocent drop of rainwater and a rickety, ramshackle Mog House desperately in need of repairs. Little did anyone suspect that this was only the beginning of a harrowing nightmare unheard of in the annals of moogle-kind.

A Shantotto Ascension - – The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born

The eccentric Professor Shantotto returned to Windurst one day after a mysterious, unexplained absence, shocking her colleagues with behavior so outrageous it put her old self to shame! When she goes so far as to proclaim herself ruler of her own empire, adventurers set out to discover the truth behind her alarming shift in personality.