
Guildwatch: "A premier raiding guild"

Edhristwo just got /gkicked in the shot above -- he and a friend got caught playing around in the Arena on a raiding night, and the guild's GM didn't take kindly to it. Which is fine -- if you join a guild, they can ask you to be around for raids, and /gkick you when you do something else. But the "premier raiding guild" is the funny part -- they're up to one drake Sartharion, and they've appeared in our drama section before. Hey, if Ed wants to do Arena, we'd say take the Tier 7 and run.

That drama and more (including downed and recruiting notices from around the realms) in this week's GW, which starts right after the break.


  • Wow, this is a new one. Relevance on Bronzebeard apparently sent someone into a Naxx run, who then sat down naked and refused to fight in the instance, which basically kept the PuG from inviting a 10th person in to play with them. They could have 9-manned it on, but a few players weren't interested in doing it the tough way, so they passed, and Relevance eventually took over the instance. Very lame -- Relevance couldn't have found their own instance to run?

  • Here's an anti-ninja of a guild bank: a bunch of folks in Revamp on Eldre'thelas didn't like how things were going (especially that Coorspac was the new GM of the guild). So they quit to form Vexxum. But they forgot to take their guild bank with them, and now they want it back, and they're claiming that by keeping it, Coors actually ninja'd from them. Which doesn't really make sense. If you deposit something in a guild bank, it's no longer yours, it's then the guild's. And if you leave that guild, for whatever reason, then you forfeit the items you put in. Shame, I know, and it's too bad these items aren't just out there in the game world for the taking. Oh wait, they are -- trust me, you'll get over it, Vexxum.

  • Laff and his friend were running Arenas on raiding night, so they got /gkicked out of the "premier raiding guild" Instability on Altar of Storms. But as we said above, they don't turn out to be so "premier" after all. That thread just keeps going and going, too -- by page 6, we had no idea what they were talking about any more.

  • This isn't guild drama, but it is a disturbing length to go to make people in game think you're a woman. And no, it's not really that weird to do that (ok, the "creating the Myspace page" thing is a little weird), but what's weird is that you're simultaneously telling everyone about it on the forums, and saying that it's not a big deal and no one should care. Rock on, girl dude.

  • Mean Girls on Wyrmrest Accord is accused of jumping servers just to tag the server-first achievements, and then trying to jump back to their old server somehow. They claim they were just lag refugees, but they're not making friends -- RPers on the server have reported all of their names, apparently for the guild name. Interesting little battle.

  • How not to apply to a guild. Turns out the guy has been applying to other guilds as well, and no one else is very happy with him either. Remember, kids: acting stupid in game is fun when you don't need anything from anyone else, but when you want to join a nice guild, that dumb behavior will come back to bite you.

  • Finally, a funny story: Valruth Fearim on Burning Legion was running Sapphiron, and one of their mages accidentally Iceblocked during the Ice Bolt casting phase. But it turns out that the real Ice Block spell doesn't actually block the Frost Breath, and despite the fact that the mage, Aloranda, was reportedly yelling "Don't hide behind me, I'm not an Ice Block!" into Vent, half the raid -- everyone who stood behind her -- died. We hear there was much laughter after that.


  • Jinxed of Cho'gall downed Sarth 3D, clearing all 25-man content in the game. Grats!

  • Knights of the Runes on Azjol-Nerub-A beat down Malygos 25-man, clearing all raid content (minus achievements, we're pretty sure). To celebrate, they went city raiding, and picked up both For the Alliance and Black Bear mounts. Sarth 3D is up next.

  • Ká-Tet on Vek'nilash have had a busy week, started off by downing 10-Man Malygos, then moved quickly onto Naxx, finishing off 25-Man farm wings one night and killing off Thaddius, Sapphirion and Kel Thuzad the next. Grats!

  • HongKong on Aman'thul-A downed Malygos. Way to go.

  • Underdogs of EU Magtheridon-H downed Malygos 25 and Naxxramas 25, and have now completed all current WotLK content. They're also still recruiting -- you can see what they need at the website.

  • Abaddon on Sentinels-A added another two achievements to their checklist (though they didn't tell us what they were -- we're guessing The Immortal?), as well as a first single-night Naxx 25 clear. Nice.

  • Syndiblitz on the server Grizzly Hills-A is taking down old content -- they dropped Onyxia with a group of seven the other night. They're also recruiting anyone level 60+ including DKs, to level up and have fun raiding.

  • Battlestar (EU Thunderhorn) has recently killed Malygos and with that all 10 and 25man content in the game. Naxx is on farm, Sarth with 2 drakes is work in progress. They are also currently recruiting a skilled DPS Death Knight or Fury Warrior and a healing Priest.

  • Is Being Repressed on the Muradin realm has downed all 10 man content and 25 man Malygos, Naxx, and Sartharion with two drakes. They're recruiting Balance Druids, Hunters, Mages, Holy Pallies and Shadow Priests, and a Warlock.

  • Hallowed on Emerald Dream-A downed all the 25 man content a day earlier than the planned weekly rotation. Nice! So the guild went to visit lonely C'Thun and Nefarian. Calls have been placed to Onyxia, Hakkar, and Ragnaros asking if they are accepting visitors. They probably are -- what else do they have planned these days?

  • Ubiquity of Chromaggus-H downed Sartharion 10 man with three drakes beating the #1 Alliance guild, Symbiotic, to the achievement and getting the first Black Drake on the Server. They've got a video to prove it, and they're aiming for the server first Ulduar clear as well. They're not so humble about it, though -- they're apparently showing off over Krasus' Landing and talking about selling the 25 man drake for 50k gold.

  • Until We Die on Area 52-H cleared out Naxx 25. Grats!

  • Untouchable Sage of Crushridge cleared 10 man Naxx in their second attempt after giving up on Gluth the previous week. Two days earlier, they one-shot 10 man Sartharion on their first attempt, and Sarth+1 is on notice. They're recruiting healers to do 25 mans soon.

  • In The Mean Time of Arthas has downed all wings in Naxx except for Four Horseman, who are on notice to go down soon, if not yet already. They are also currently looking for more healers and tanks to move into 25 man content.

  • Pango Honoratus on Twisting Nether is running two groups of 10 man Naxx and OS a week. Both have killed Sarth and cleared all the wings and Sapphiron. KT is on notice for both. They also started raiding 25 man -- Spider wing is done, along with Patchwerk and Grobbulus. Congrats!

  • Knights Templar on Boulderfist have 10 and 25 man Naxx on farm, as well as 10 and 25 man OS and 10 man Malygos. They are bigger than ever, and still recruiting. Hit up their website to apply and get in on the raiding and the social fun, as well as charity work: they've raised money for Toys for Tots and other great causes.

  • Silent Redemption on Feathermoon has fully cleared 25 man Naxx, Archavon, and Sartharion. Grats!

  • The Blades of Justice, on Alexstrasza-A, are routinely clearing all four quarters of Naxx 10, and have Sapphiron on notice. They are working on filling out a second 10 man, as well as the main 25 man roster, so look them up if interested.

  • Core, a social raiding guild and one of the oldest guilds on Twilight's Hammer (made mid-vanilla content) have cleared Naxx 25 after a couple of strong weeks raiding. Saratharion 3D is an ongoing project and Malygos 25 is on notice. They are also recruiting a priest or two (any spec except Discipline), a holy Paladin and some "niche" DPS slots (Elemental, Enhance, Boomkin).

  • Dark Lords of Zul'Jin downed Sapphiron in two attempts the other night, and they've got 10 man OS and Vault on farm so far. They are also recruiting DPS and a few healers.

  • For Pony, a casual raiding guild on EU Anachronos-H cleared out the Arachnid Quarter and Noth in Naxx 10. Grats!

  • Casualty of Nagrand downed 10 man Sapphiron and Kel'thuzad the other night. Malygos is on notice. They're also recruiting all classes and specs.

  • 25 man Malygos has been downed by Natural Order on Blackwater Raiders.

  • Virtus Mortis (on EU Darkspear-H), downed at least seven bosses in Naxx 25, including an epic finish on Sapph and KT on the very first night. Grats!

  • No Remorse on the Kargath server has downed 10 man Kel'thuzad with both the weekday run and the weekend run. Also have 10-man Obsidian Sanctum on farm status for both groups, and hope to kill Malygos within the next week or two. Good luck.

  • Renaissance in Blood on Madoran-H downed all of Naxx 10 man for the first time last week. Great job!

  • SunDown is a Horde-based, late night raiding guild on EU Anachronos. They recently dropped both 25 and 10 man Malygos, as well as Satharion Heroic with one drake. Grats!

  • Focus of Fenris-A cleared 10 man Naxx and finished off the Aspect of Magic, not to mention that their second group is rolling through Naxx like crazy. They're still looking for more healers and DPS for the group 2 and eventual 25 man Naxx.


  • Apotheosis on Garrosh-A is recruiting all classes in order to prepare for endgame raiding. They are starting out with 10-man raiding and will eventually move to 25-man raids. If you have what it takes to go to the top, hit up their website.

  • War Ensemble on Silver Hand-A is recruiting for their 25 man Naxx team. They are short on Healers and Ranged DPS, but all interested players regardless of spec are encourged to apply. Naxx 10 is being cleared weekly, and they've got OS and Vault runs as well.

  • Not in the FACE is looking for a couple of skilled casters to join their raider ranks to help a progression push on 3D Sarth and in future raid instances. Please have an understanding of your class and raiding, and a wilingness to be reliable and improve every time they raid. Boomkin, Locks, Mage, Spriest and Elemental Shamans welcome.

  • Methods of War on Kilrogg is recruiting for 10 mans on weekends and 25 mans during the week. Currently they're looking for most classes including Shadow Priests and Fury Warriors. Head over to the website to learn more and apply if interested.

  • Addiction is an casual Alliance guild (server?) that is currently running Heroics and looking to begin raiding in the very near future. They are looking for all classes, but have the greatest need for DPS and healing specced players. They are in a partnership with Team vTi, so if you have any questions please contact them on the Addiction section of the vTi forums. They are not seeking immature players or glory hounds, if you fit the bill please do not inquire.

  • Seventh Flight is a raiding community on EU Argent Dawn. They've been around since the beginning of WoW and have cleared Naxx 25 on their first set of runs through. They're looking for a few more: Elemental Shaman, Fury/Arms Warrior, and two Hunters of any sensible raiding spec. Know your stuff, and be geared for 25 man content.

  • SLAM BANG is a new guild on Silverhand now recruiting 70+ players. They are focusing on Heroics as well as 10 man raids.

  • Knights of Valor on Alleria is currently recruiting. They're a newly formed guild, but are dedicated to a fun, social atmosphere and a relaxing environment. All Alliance races, classes, and specs welcome, as the focus is social, though grouping together and even raiding is welcomed.

  • TWBNO (There Will Be No Orgy) of Kilrogg-A is a social guild of WoW veterans and newbies alike recruiting for heroics and progression through the endgame. They're looking for a little bit of everything class-wise, and strongly support 'recruiting the player, not the class'. That means mature, responsible, dedicated adults that want to play in a relaxed, friendly, social guild and start out on raid progression.

  • Flatline on Hakkar-H is now recruiting more Priests, Hunters, and caster DPS. They have now cleared out 10/25 Naxx, OS, and Malygos, so if you want to get in on the gear while they're farming, hit them up.

See you next week as always. Until then, happy raiding!

That not enough guild news for you? There's lots more Guildwatch in the archives, including an honest-to-goodness /gkick contract, and lots of red-handed bank looting. Wherever people /gquit or are /gkicked, that's where you'll find GW!