
CrimeCraft closed beta open for business

Let's be honest, if you're into Vogster's MMOFPS CrimeCraft enough that you applied for the beta, you probably already know that the closed beta started this past week. Here's the unfortunate part: If you weren't one of the fine folks accepted, you're not going to be hearing much about the game from those playing it in the beta.

Big surprise, Vogster doesn't want those folks telling the whole world about its still in-development game and has handed over a hefty NDA (non-disclosure agreement) along with the keys to to its game. Luckily, as our sisters from another adoption agency at Big Download note, a closed forum on the CrimeCraft website allows for those in the beta to speak about the game to their heart's content. And of course we'll have plenty of juicy details for you when we get a hands-on with the game at E3 2009. Hey! That's only two weeks away!

[Via Big Download]