
What's in a Name: Riot Games

We've had a good time with the League of Legends beta, so we asked the guys at Riot Games how they came up with their name, as well as the title for their spiritual DotA successor.

On Riot Games: "We chose the name Riot Games because we thought it sounded a lot cooler than the other names that we came up with and it pretty accurately reflects the image we want to portray – we're a bunch of young guys who work hard, play hard and love to have fun. And yeah, the domain was available for a reasonable price ..."

On League of Legends: "We came up with League of Legends because we believe it accurately characterizes the diversity of characters in the game and sounds 'epic.' Everyone wants to know if we picked the acronym on purpose ... we're always surprised people need to even ask that question – of course we did!

-- Marc C. Merrill, President of Riot Games

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