
Rainbow MacBook decal is pretty colorful

I apologize. This post would have gone up sooner but I was busy buying one of these!

I have two stickers on my car, and they aren't really even stickers, they're static clings: TiVo, and an old style rainbow Apple logo. Yeah, I have stacks of those pretty white ones, but they aren't the same as the adorable old one. You know, the logo in the corner of all those "Think Different" posters.

I miss that logo. I understand the evolution toward the clean, modern (boring), white one, and it is lovely, but I miss the logo of the company I started with, the one that put apple-flavored adhesive on the seal of the registration card (you had to mail registrations back in the day kids, there was no internet). That was the company that put their logo (bless their hearts) upside down on their laptops for awhile.

Now you have the option of "updating" your laptop to that old look, courtesy of Etsy seller happyhe. For $3.50 (plus $5 shipping from Hong Kong), you too can rock a mind bendingly old school AND new school look at the same time. Previously, this sort of paradox was only available via TARDIS technology. I am very excited that it is now available via the postal service.

(/via iPhone Savior)