
SouthPeak says CDV dispute is resolved, wasn't cheap

SouthPeak Games CEO Melanie Mroz told investors this week that the ongoing legal argument between her company and distributor CDV has been resolved, and while full terms of the agreement weren't released, SouthPeak attributes a solid chunk of its $5.8 million in losses to the legal issues. Mroz says "the litigation costs of $3.2 and 3 million" that the company had to pay "were mainly related to CDV."

Next up, the company wants to "put these matters behind us and continue to focus on our business and future growth," but not without My Baby. SouthPeak is still embroiled in the fight over that title with Nobilis and Majesco. Chairman Terry Phillips says that SouthPeak feels the My Baby title "is our series, so we're still hoping that that can happen."