
LEGO Universe to hold first public showing at CES

When you think Vegas, what do you think of? Why, LEGO of course! Wait, you don't? What do you think of when you think know what? Never mind.

At any rate, CES 2010 begins in Las Vegas this Thursday, and LEGO Universe will be on hand to show fans how the game is progressing. Fans awaiting this fun MMO will find plenty at CES that is being offered for the first time: hands-on demos, the debut game trailer, and of course the always coveted beta sign ups.

The game is planned for launch in the second half of 2010, so this is probably the first of many previews we'll see in the next few months. If you're in the area and a LEGO fan, you'll definitely want to head to the Las Vegas Convention Center and take a firsthand look at what LEGO Universe has been up to. CES 2010 is scheduled to run from January 7th-10th.