
The Daily Grind: What do you think of crafting?

Crafting is one of those staples of the MMO genre that rarely gets altered, yet it makes an appearance in almost every game on the market. From the early days of inserting random objects into a crafting bag and hoping they combine to the more modern list of recipes with a "create item" button, crafting has always been the one button wonder.

So what do you guys think of this MMO pillar? Is it fine the way it is and not deserving of something new, or would you like to see a game expand on this time-tested, player approved formula? Would you like it to take a more center stage role, or are you more comfortable with crafting tagging along as a side kick system?

So take all of those thoughts you have on crafting, throw them into the box below, and then hit the "make comment" button. Maybe, if you're lucky, your comment will craft into a critical success!